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United Cultures on Map

Centre of Cultures

United Cultures governing body will be the centre point between government, corporations, and cultures.

Building Bridges

United Cultures governing body will be building bridges between government, corporations, and cultures to set up international projects in economy, education, politick, finance, science, politics, and technology.

Culture misunderstanding

United Cultures is here to end culture misunderstanding between cultures in countries and regions by bringing them closer nearer to each other.


United Cultures governing body will be in collaboration with all ministries of culture, representative of each culture in each country and region. To have cultural dialogue and objectives to achieve peace.

Governing body

United Cultures Governing Body will be established in 2022 in Geneva Switzerland this will be done with all countries, universities organization, culture institutions, representatives of cultures, NGOs representative of artist who approve it. United Cultures governing body will have

Cultural dialogue and objectives will achieve peace.


UC on the Map

Centre of Cultures

Building Bridges

Culture misunderstanding


Governing body

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